Check out that Ombre 3000, as my gal Lianne refers to that kind of fly dip-dye job!Are you loving it as much as I am? The ombre in question is that of Continue Reading [...]
Though I was iffy on Cameron Diaz' short hairstyle for a long time, I'm loving her look for the What To Expect When You're Expecting U.K. premiere. And, Continue Reading [...]
What's cuter than eclectic teacups? [The Luxury Spot]Cat comes up with a list of her 100 favorite products. First up? The Clarisonic[XO Jane]Go Philly Continue Reading [...]
Kristen Stewart looked fabulous at the Snow White & the Huntsman photo call in Mexico City last week. Mark Celebrity Makeup Artist Mai Quynh shared her Continue Reading [...]
Me, sans my signature Hydoxatone/Khuraira combo.The number one beauty question I'm asked? How to get rid of unslightly dark circles.I swear that without Continue Reading [...]
Taylor Swift looked criminally gorgeous at the 2012 Billboard Music Awards, so I had to share the scoop. Here's the beauty breakdown, courtesy of Taylor's Continue Reading [...]
Let's not act like we ALL didn't compulsively read it. Yes, the writing's embarrassingly bad. Also, I've been meaning to write this post for about three Continue Reading [...]
Official Mascara Correspondent Ashleigh Ciucci lengthens her lashes this week with CoverGirl LashBlast 24HR Mascara. Is it meh, feh, or hells to the yeah? Continue Reading [...]
Fictionary is a column showcasing beauty-related words that don't exist, but should.This week, I attended a press event held at MAC Pro where I learned Continue Reading [...]
As Joni Mitchell (and later the Counting Crows) sang so sagely, don't it always seem to go/you don't know what you've got till it's gone? Lush feels that, Continue Reading [...]