This Glitz Arch Pendant from Bauble Bar ($76) is straight up SLAYING me. Though I'm typically one for teeny tiny jewelry, this is the perfect What About Continue Reading [...]
Fictionary is a column showcasing beauty-related words that don't exist, but should.Being a Natural Born Curler (which is inspired by the Oliver Stone Continue Reading [...]
By Taylor EllsworthConfession: I have a mind-blowing secret. I know what you’re thinking—I’m the real Gossip Girl! Well, maybe, but that’s a different Continue Reading [...]
Introducing a new series called "Five Rules," in which I ask others to share their five rules for life. If it weren't for frequent catch-up lunches Continue Reading [...]
Did you know that more than 30% of female students grades 6-12 were bullied at school or cyberbullied during the 2009 – 2010 school year (report from Continue Reading [...]
Liquid liner has been around FOREV, and beyond evolving to a pen medium, little has changed in its application technique. And yet, it remains one of the Continue Reading [...]
Britney Spears' shining VMA moment with the snake, whose name is Banana, we recently found out via Brit's Twitter. I was recently invited to indulge in Continue Reading [...]
Fictionary is a column showcasing beauty-related words that don't exist, but should.Avon Advance Techniques 360 Moroccan Argan Oil Shampoo/Conditoner Today, Continue Reading [...]
Living for the Bliss 2012 Eau-lection Collection! Clever. Which gets your vote?[Shake Your Beauty]Hot guys in glasses[TresSugar]Giveaway: Elizabeth Grant Continue Reading [...]
L’Oréal Paris has collaborated with fashion editorDerek Blasberg on a series of five videos, called “Hairspray Confessions,” paying homage to the Continue Reading [...]