1-Day AcuVue TruEye Contact Lenses Review

Though I’ve been rocking contacts since seventh grade, I’ve never tried 1-day disposables. I’ve always been the 1-2 week kind of gal. It always seemed too indulgent, too expensive to have EVERY day be new contact day. It’s still not in my budget to have every day be new contact day, but I’ve decided to revise my financials so that I can integrate AcuVue TruEyes into my lifestyle for vacations and intermittently even when I’m at home.

How do they differ from other dailies disposables? 1-Day Acuvue TruEye is the first daily disposable contact lens manufactured using a new breathable silicone hydrogel material called Narafilcon B–a silicone hydrogel material saturated with a locked-in wetting agent which does not slow release onto the eye.  Narafilcon B delivers 98% oxygen flux to the cornea.  They also boast the highest level of UV-blocking available in a lens, so you’ll be protected from the sun.

What did that mean for me? Since my schedule is such that I run to usually two post-work events THEN come home and either write an article either for another site or my own until midnight or 1am, my contacts put in long hours. As you can imagine, rocking my contacts until such a wee hour (is there a wee-er hour than 1? I think not) my eyes get dry, a little irritated and it feels great to pluck them out at the end of the night. My AcuVue Oaysis ameliorated the situation considerably (and I’m still wearing them interchangeably with the TruEyes), but I find that with the new TruEyes, my eyes feel more like I’ve just put in my contacts for the day.  In fact, I’ve even gotten in bed with them on. Which is fine, because since there’s no need to fuss with storage and solution, I can just pluck ’em out and toss them from there. Bonus: You’ll save money on skipping expensive contact lens solution as well.

I was prescribed AcuVue TruEyes by my eye doctor, Dr. Resnick. Once again, my eyes actually improved a slight bit (she said it could be because of the high oxygen transmission), so I was psyched. If you’re in the market for a fantastic eye doctor, hit her up for an appointment. Dr. Resnick is located at 30 East 60th Street New York, NY. Call 212-355-5145 to make an appointment with her.

Do you wear contacts? Do you have disposables? Tell me if yours are blowing your hair back in the comments.

Disclaimer: Samples of AcuVue TruEye were provided by Johnson & Johnson for editorial consideration

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3 Comments 1-Day AcuVue TruEye Contact Lenses Review

  1. styrch

    Hi! I used to use Acuvue oasis as well. But then something got into my contact lens case and I got a Cornea abrasion as a result… twice. After that, my doctor and I decided it would be safer for me to switch to dailies (not sure which ones I’m using to be honest).

    Truthfully, the whole experience made me want to wear my glasses more often because I was so afraid of another abrasion. The only downside to dailies I have found is that it’s a bit harder to pack them for long trips and there’s more waste. But you don’t have to worry about lots of solution, cleaning, etc. Keep some drops around in case you need to clean them (like if you put them in backwards, which I do quite often). I’ve found the single serving Thera Tears to work well for that.

    Yes, after the abrasions it’s use it once and toss ’em for everything for me. *sigh*


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