Peter Thomas Roth Giveaway & My Four Favorite PTR Gems

Happy Monday, lovies!

This week, I’ve partnered with one of my favorite skin care brands Peter Thomas Roth for a giveaway of their Peter Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion AM Moisturizer (a $78 value). Its the skin care equivalent of The Vampire Diaries‘ Salvatore brothers’ ring that allows them to be able to go out freely in daylight. Retinol, as any skin care conscious gal knows, is a nighttime-only endeavor. It renders skin irresponsibly susceptible to sun damage when left on skin during the daylight hours. This oil-free fluid fights wrinkles and protects against UVA/UVB rays simultaneously thanks to its 1.5% time-release retinol solution which gradually delivers retinol over an eight-hour period. I find my pores look smaller and my skin tone looks more even with continued use. It all but deserves a parade.

I also wanted to showcase my other three favorite PTR products (plus, read more for how to enter the giveaway):

Peter Thomas Roth Brows To Die For ($85)
This fabulous serum, when swept onto brows nightly will ACTUALLY restore them to their former Brooke Shields glory. I’m constantly complaining about my too-far-apart brows (they’ve always been like that my entire life–I have the OPPOSITE of a unibrow) forevs, and nightly applications of this miracle elixir has really stimulated brow growth. My brows are thicker, less sparse and elongated in a matter of a week. Get involved.

Peter Thomas Roth Lips To Die For ($20)

If Marilyn Monroe were a lip balm, this is surely the one she’d be. Plus? If the name alone doesn’t do it for you, the utter hydration and sheer holographic pink tint will. 

Peter Thomas Roth Radiance Oxygenating Masque ($50)

This brightening O mask is the perfect hangover antidote. Not that that ever happens to me. Well, not today anyway. It brightens and detoxes like no other. Don’t believe me? Just rub a small bit on the back of your hand and you’ll see smoother, lighter, brighter skin in seconds. SECONDS. It’s a weekly treat I can’t live without.

Here’s how to enter the Peter Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion AM Moisturizer Giveaway:
1. If you haven’t already, fan the Peter Thomas Roth page on Facebook.
2. Leave me a comment telling me your best skin-care tip and include your email address, i.e. yourname[at]gmail[dot]com.
3. Follow me on Twitter (@glambr) and RT: Follow @glambr and RT to enter to win a Peter Thomas Roth Retinol Fusion AM Moisturizer.

The deadline is Friday, October 8 at 11:59pm.

Good luck!

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24 Comments Peter Thomas Roth Giveaway & My Four Favorite PTR Gems

  1. mamavalveeta03

    Over many years (many, many years) of experimenting with my skin’s changing ways;One day oily, the next dry, one day breakouts, the next flakes….I’ve discovered that the best way for me to take care of my skin is GENTLY! I truly believe that works for all womens. Whatever your skin type, don’t overdo it…ALL things in moderation!

  2. Kimberly

    I would have to say wearing sunscreen is my best skin care tip. There’s so many options and scents these days there’s really no excuse not to protect your skin.
    kimberly.reuter (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. Christina

    Favorite skin care tip? KEEP AWAY. Don’t pick, don’t overexamine, toss away your magnifying mirror! Just exfoliate regularly (but gently!), use a great cleanser and moisturizer, toss in a serum or masque once a week or so. Simple and hands-off!

    cwang 3188 at gmail dot com

  4. Anonymous

    I’m a facebook fan. My favorite skin care tip is sleeping on my back and using lotion daily.

    sounders72 at aol dot com

  5. pam moulton

    I’ve tried some of PTR products and have loved them–even with the high price tag. It’s exciting to see a retinol product with sunscreen; now we can get the benefits of retinol 24/7.

  6. Beach Realtor

    Not only do I believe in sunscreen and how important it is as well as moisturing, cleaning the face before going to bed….BUT, to me, drinking lots and lots of water is so very important, not only to my skin but my hair as well!

  7. Beach Realtor

    Not only do I believe in sunscreen and how important it is as well as moisturing, cleaning the face before going to bed….BUT, to me, drinking lots and lots of water is so very important, not only to my skin but my hair as well!

  8. LilyBiscuit

    I like PTR on Facebook. My best skin care tip is to moisturize damp skin and if you’re oily like me…..stick to oil free to avoid breakouts. I love retinol too. Thanks!
    vac924 at gmail dot com

  9. ClistyB

    Clistyb @ gmail dot com
    Right now I swear by the Clarisonic Plus. Starting to see results on my face. My sons face? Well his results with the Clarisonic is nothing short of miraculous what with the problems he’s experienced with acne.

  10. perpetualpluck

    My best skincare tip is, of course, sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen! A less obvious solution is sometimes skin needs a BREAK. There are times when I will abandon all my skin care products and makeup except for moisturizer and my most gentle cleanser for a couple days, to let my skin breathe!


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