Fictitious Fragrance Fan: ‘The Great Gatsby”s Daisy Buchanan

Welcome to  BBJ series, Fictitious Fragrance Fans. Fragrance is one of the most difficult areas of beauty to discuss and I find myself trying to convey a scent to you, more often than not, by the pop culture character it embodies to me. So why not make it a thing? 

I just saw a screening of The Great Gatsby thanks to MAC Cosmetics and attended a luncheon afterward with Baz Luhrmann, Tobey Maguire, Isla Fischer and Carey Mulligan, among other amazing attendees. The movie is gorgeously opulent and Luhrmann got the film version of that book that every American high school student’s read just so right. The makeup, the gleaming gowns, the fantastic Tiffany jewels, the Jay-Z and Beyonce-heavy soundtrack, the roaring ’20s attitude toward libations, life and everything else… do yourself a favor and see it immediately. I want to take a vacation in one of Baz Lurhmann’s dreams as he has the unique capability to outfabulous the fabulous. I literally Susan Powter-style power-walked home to discuss with you this week’s Fictitious Fragrance FanDaisy Buchanan. OBVIOUSLY.

The southern belle loves luxury, and turns out to showcase an appalling lack of moral fiber, but she boasts a certain charm, sophistication and grace that leads me to believe we’d share similar taste in scents, if not life choices. There’s an absolute femininity, an aristocratic gossamer unburdened quality to her, thanks to the times in which she lives but also her wealth which affords her a certain peace of mind that eludes technologically dependent modern women. Her scent? The stunningly subtle, lightly floral Aerin Beach Cream for Hair and Body. This lightly scented lotion imparts a slight bronzy shimmer to skin, but also doubles as a heat-activated deep conditioner when applied on damp hair while sunning on the North Shore. 

As Daisy famously said, “the best thing for a girl to be in this world is a fool, a beautiful little fool.” Daisy was a product of her her social environs that did not place a premium on intelligence in women, to be fair. But her appreciation of beauty is implicit even without her saying it outright, as she does here. I know she’d love the very East Egg sensibility about this product, which is the fictionalized ’20s version of the North Shore. Its modern-day equivalent is the Hamptons, at which that Pucci-esque patterned packaging in a mix of neutral gray and bright yellow with gold deco trim would be utterly at home. 

The limited-edition Aerin Beach Cream for Hair And Body will be available this month for $45 on

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