5 Rules For Life: Kat Burki, Founder of Kat Burki Skincare

From a young age, Kat Burki found herself drawn to the science behind wellness. She fueled this fascination by reading her mother’s books and magazines, by taking every nutrition class available in college and by pursuing a degree in Health Law post-graduation. Wary of modern-day quick fixes and chemically-saturated products, Burki paid close attention to how functional medicine can meet nutrition to provide an effective alternative to healing.  

She created her range using Applied Nutritional Sciences to deliver the most effective formulations for the skin through technology and cutting-edge nutritional research and concepts.

Here, she shares her 5 rules for life.

  1. Do not accept things at face value. Question its truth, your obligation to it and whether it actually works for you. Unfortunately, we often accept other’s truths as truth, when in fact it is self motivated and counter productive.This generation is better at this than other ones.
  2. Practice self love.  Find out what this means for you.  When you put yourself last, are self-critical or ignore what your body and mind are trying to tell you – you are setting yourself up for disaster.  
  3. Love and accept others always! Of course, there are caveats,  but for this, let’s assume that’s obvious.  It may sound cliche, but we are all human and all need love and acceptance.  The more you give, the more it comes back to you.
  4. Similar to above: Let it go. Holding on to hurt, past mistakes or old ways of thinking creates energy blockages, stress and keeps us from achieving our goals.  
  5. Create goals — long term, short term, and daily. Write them down.  Visualize and be willing to update as needed. 

Thanks, Kat!

Stay tuned for more Five Rules installments.

 “Five Rules,” is a series on Rouge18 in which I ask others to share their five rules for life about anything and everything. You can learn a lot about a person by reading which five things govern their actions, no?

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