5 Rules For Life: Dr. Iris Rubin

SEEN founder Dr. Iris Rubin is a board-certified dermatologist with laser and cosmetic fellowship training, a graduate of Harvard Medical School and former pediatric laser surgeon at Children’s National Medical Center. She created hair care brand SEEN after her experience with breakouts as it related to her personal hair care use.

Here, she shares her 5 Rules For Life, in her own words.

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  1. Find a way. If you believe in something, find a way to get it done. Don’t take no for an answer. It was really hard to formulate SEEN since it had to be both amazing hair care and good for skin. Our formulators made countless versions until we got it right. Thankfully we stuck with it and now have a product that changes people’s lives!
  2. Be kind. Kindness is so important. And don’t forget to be kind to yourself too!
  3. Write your own story. Whatever you believe is what you create. Choose to write a good and joyous and bold story of your life.
  4. Surround yourself with incredible people. I believe in surrounding myself with people I like, including at work when I can. I am lucky to work with my twin sister’s husband Greg, who is super smart and a great guy.
  5. Don’t let fear stop you. You don’t have to have it all figured out in advance. Take the leap and then figure out how to make things work.

Thank you, Dr. Rubin!

Stay tuned for more Five Rules installments.

 “Five Rules,” is a series on Rouge18 in which I ask others to share their five rules for life about anything and everything. You can learn a lot about a person by reading which five things govern their actions, no?

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