Calyx Is Back And You Won’t Believe Which Brand It Is Now

In the late ’90s, I worked at a salad place at the mall. That was the first and last time I worked with food. My favorite part of the day was when the Macy’s beauty counter ladies came over for a salad and I would accost the Prescriptives sales associates with questions–mostly about Calyx and the suite of color-inspired fragrances the brand sold then (I was yellow). Discussing beauty at my patently non-beauty focused jobs is a recurring theme in my lifestyle. Anywho, they were not interested in discussing the ins and outs of Calyx with me away from the counter, but I was obsessed and later bought several Px perfumes on my lunch break. Calyx was one of my first fragrance favorites.

Now, everyone’s favorite verdant green leaf, grapefruit and orange flower blend is available once again (Prescriptives counters shuttered a few years ago, though most items from the line are available online). But you can imagine my surprise when this CLINIQUE branded Calyx bottle showed up at my apartment with a press release last night. It was much like that part in “Fringe” in the alternate universe where we see a marquee for “Back to the Future” starring Eric Stoltz, in addition to a present-day shot of Manhattan with the twin towers in the skyline. It’s all very the Alternate 1985, to reference Back to the Future II (meta!).

But judging from my Instagram feed, Calyx is WELCOMED back into everyone’s scent repertoire with open arms! Mine, as well. I’m wearing it today and its fresh, green essence takes me right back to a simpler time ushered in by the dulcet tones of Pearl Jam.

Calyx’ Fictitious Fragrance Fan? Crysta of Fern Gully, of course. The adventurous dryad loves a rainforest and this lush, mysterious scent is the olfactory equivalent.

Clinique Calyx, $52,

In R18 series Fictitious Fragrance Fans, I assign a pop-culture character a signature scent. Fragrance is one of the most difficult areas of beauty to discuss and I find myself trying to convey a scent to you, more often than not, by the pop culture character it embodies to me. So why not make it a thing?

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