Make The Most Of Your Sleep This Weekend

So Daylights Savings Time is upon us (we’re springing forward on Sunday morning, friends) and every year, I get just a little baby bit of JETLAG from losing an hour. I’m deeply a night person, and am currently trying to train myself to become a morning person (it’s a lifelong process, I fear) as after decades of being able to do my best work in the middle of the night, I’m suddenly, bafflingly, incapable of stringing words together in a sentence after the hour of 7pm. So I’m doing everything I can to make the most of my sleep so that I can creep my bedtime from 1:30am to 11:30pm in small, 15-minute increments. Here, my best sleep saviors.


Cue Mariah Carey: This butterfly-shaped pillow, Revitarest ($35), elevates your head perfectly, without effing up your lash game OR your skin care game by keeping your products on your face where they belong. The cut-outs keep you comfortable without smushing up against your grill. It even comes with a removable, washable cover so that you can ensure a more hygienic environment for your skin, keeping it clearer.


vitameltsRegular readers know that pills are one of my obsessions (Valley of the Dolls remains my favorite movie, never to be topped) and melatonin is vital in my lifestyle. When I know I’ve had a late coffee or am adjusting to a different time zone on vacation, melatonin always saves me. Melatonin occurs naturally in your body and is a hormone that helps regulate sleep and wake cycles. One of Melatonin’s main functions is to help your body set an internal clock. Vitamelts’ new flavored version ($7) tastes like mint chocolate chip ice cream and literally melts in your mouth (so you don’t have to have water nearby). Genius.

upcoffee_vertical_beakerI’m the David Koresh of Jawbone Up bands, inducting several of my friends and family into the cult of documenting sleep and steps. The new app from Jawbone called UP Coffee (free, available for iOS only)  will give you a picture of your caffeine choices, and compare caffeine intake and projected sleep time.  The best part? You don’t have to have an UP band to use Coffee (though talk to me about why you should). Simply log a coffee, tea, energy drink or other caffeinated beverage or food in the UP Coffee app to see a visual display of where you fall on a spectrum from “Wired” to “Sleep Ready” at any given time. Plus, if you also have an UP band, you can sync your data with your UP or UP24 band to analyze how your caffeine intake affects your sleep patterns. After tracking both caffeine intake and sleep for 10 days, UP Coffee can tell you things like the amount of sleep you lose on average for every 100mg of caffeine you ingest.

What will you do to help you adjust to losing an hour of sleep this weekend? And please share your morning-person tips with me!


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