5 Things To Do This Weekend

Happy President’s Weekend! I’m heading to Boston for a weekend of research, shopping and fun (of course) with Julia and her friend Mekdela. In the meantime, here are some weekend activities I recommend.

confessions1. Read Jackie Collins’ latest tome, Confessions Of A Wild Child. Because you need to know about Lucky’s early years, now that you’ve read the other seven books in the series. In this edition, she’s a 15 year-old gal ready to discover love. Best of all? Her gay brother Dario makes an appearance, along with several other characters you know and love.

vaseline 2. Indulge your element-ravaged hands and tootsies with an intensive Vaseline resuscitation by slathering them with V and then putting on socks and gloves overnight. Awaken to smooth, sultry skin.


3. Watch Archer, my latest binge show and then read this list of Mallory Archer’s best quotes. My favorite: “My third biggest fear: He brings home a whore and says, ‘We’re married!’ Oh, and the whore has bangs.”


4. Listen to the new Mariah Carey song, “You’re Mine (Eternal)” and then watch her re-enact Mean Girls with Nick Cannon for MTV.


5. Feel spiffy as you lounge around in Ayr jeans, the most comfy ones I’ve found to date. You’ll be like, tell me how I’m supposed to breathe with no AYR once you give ’em a try.

What are you DOING this weekend?


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