7 Questions With Karlie Kloss


Yesterday, I caught up with the gorgeous (and delightful, truth be told) Karlie Kloss at the Victoria’s Secret store in Herald Square to discuss all things V-Day. The supe filled me in on her Valentine’s Day makeup must-haves, her stance on red for the occasion, her travel workout tricks and, most vitally, her bangs. Here, seven questions with Karlie Kloss.

1. What are your Valentine’s Day makeup essentials? 

Valentine’s Day is the ultimate reason to rock a red lip. It’s flirty, sexy, super powerful, super strong. The only problem is if your Valentine plops a kiss on you, he’ll have to beware of the red lip. If you want to opt out, a smoky eye and a nude lip is a great alternative.

2. How does V-Day makeup differ from your everyday effect?

I typically keep it very simple, natural. A bit of blush, a nude-y lip tone, mascara, maybe a little liner smudged at the lash line. Most days I’m pretty low-key. I like Laura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer. It multitasks so well.

3. Any fun Valentine’s Day plans this year?

I’m in charge of it this year, I’ll think of something romantic. I like a more low-key Valentine’s Day. For me, the little things mean more. Like a foot rub. I don’t need anything crazy fancy, fireworks. all throughout the year. Opening up the door, breakfast in bed. Slow and steady wins the red.

4. What’s your stance on rocking red and pink on V-Day. Fun or Hallmark?

Have fun with it. It’s slightly cheesy, but you can participate by wearing a classy red with a lip or in your lingerie. Even if no one else sees it, I always feel different when I’m wearing red and pink lacy lingerie. It’s fun to wear a black office dress; no one knows what’s underneath.

5. What’s your go-to fragrance for the holiday?

It makes you feel better wearing it. I like our sexy new one by Victoria’s Secret called Forbidden, fronted by Adriana. Fragrance and lingerie is an indulgence for you, just as much as it is about  attracting anyone else.

6. How do you stay in shape when you travel so much?

Fashion week prep is not just what it’s about. All year long, I have  to stay strong. If you maintain, it’s less of a buildup to get back into swimsuit shape. I travel so much, so a solid routine of going to the gym doesn’t work for me. I take my workout with me. I bring ankle weights and stretchy bands in my carryon. I do a 20-minute workout in my hotel room, isolating every part of the arm. Small movements that strengthen and tone. It’s a long band you attach to a door handle or a barre. It’s hard in this weather to go to the gym, so to have something at home actually makes you more likely to workout. And cute workout wear helps, like Victoria’s Secret’s range.

Karlie and me!

Karlie and me!

7. Your bangs are divine. Can you share your best styling tip?

So mine are at the point where they’re long enough, yours are, too. [Ed note: I know it’s ridiculous, but I died when Karlie said that there was ANYTHING similar about us in the least, even if it’s just a hairstyle. Carry on.] I like the round brushes because I have straight hair and it gives it movement, a sort of bend and then it waves out. I use a comb sometimes, too.

And now, I want to hear from you. Spill: Who’s your favorite Victoria’s Secret angel? And are you also criminally jeal of Karlie Kloss’ bangs?


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