Ashley Judd’s Makeup Disaster

Ashley Judd is so GORGEOUS, but her powder is… not okay in this photo of her at  her NYC book signing for her memoir All That Is Bitter And Sweet on Tuesday.

Why does this keep happening to celebs? Remember Nicole Kidman fell victim to White Powder Face at an awards show last year?

What POWDER is that? Weigh in, dolls.

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7 Comments Ashley Judd’s Makeup Disaster

  1. Soup

    It is a “hi-def” setting powder (reflective/light difusing)like MUFE puts out. Under normal incandescent lighting you can’t see it, but in an extreme light source (flash bulbs, spot lights, etc.) it shows. Sort of like a black-light poster only “glows” in black light.

    An easy trick is to snap a pic with the flash on and review your clients makeup BEFORE they leave the chair.

  2. Troy Surratt

    I think that it is caused by powder with an extremely high amount of silica in it…I also think that it is not visible to the makeup artist or client and only obvious when it “flashes out” in photography.


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