"Peelin’" Fine: Juice Beauty Green Apple Peel

TGIF. Longest week in HIST. So I was recently introduced to online beauty retailer Kaia House, and am impressed with their philosophy (from their website):

Unlike most traditional beauty stores, we believe in bringing only the best of each brand to our customers and only carry products that are both Safe and Effective, as well as Animal and Environmentally friendly. Your health and well-being is a serious matter, and for this reason, we consult the internationally recognized Environmental Working Group and their Cosmetics Safety Database to verify the safety of each ingredient in every single one of our products. From this database, we created our own safety guide for your reference called the “Most UN-wanted List”, an extensive list of synthetic chemicals found in everyday products to avoid.

I tried out Juice Beauty’s Green Apple Peel (Full Strength – I don’t mess around) and am so into it. It’s a powerful hydroxy-acid complex of apple, lemon, grape juices, raw cane sugar and white willow bark that exfoliates skin for visibly improved skin tone and texture. Vitamin antioxidants and essential nutrients hydrate and nourish fresh skin for a healthy, beautiful complexion. I slather the stuff on twice a week with the same zeal I once reserved for flirting with rowers while I was in college. Leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse off with a damp warm washcloth for best results. My skin was absolutely radiant (though makeup-free) all day afterwards. $39.

Enjoy your much-deserved weekend!

Love ya, mean it,
P.S. I hesitate to admit I got a 50% on Facebook’s Mean Girls Trivia quiz. Have you taken it? It was really hard! I’m so embarrassed.

Photo credit: kaiahouse.com

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