Frederic Fekkai Wave Spray

I don’t know about you, but my hair plum will not remain straight in this weather. My trusty Frederic Fekkai Wave Spray makes my life SO MUCH better in the humidity. Save yourself a half hour in the morning blowing out your hair. Here’s how: dry hair 80% of the way using a paddle brush, straightening the front with a round brush. Sleep on it. The next morning, spritz Wave Spray on the bottom three-quarters of your hair, let air dry and you’ll have GORGE waves that you won’t mind getting wet in a mid-day summer sun shower. Seriously. OR, if you attempted to straighten and the universe chuckled at you and decided otherwise, spritz on the bottom half of already straightened hair and you’ll achieve the same effect. AND it smells like a day at the beach. Done.

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