My Top Takeaways From Master Esthetician Patty Huang

I was lucky enough to have a virtual consultation with Patty Huang, master esthetician at DAPHNE’s sister spa in Seattle, Penelope and the Beauty Bar. She recommended a regimen of Biologique Recherche products (among my favorite brands!), specifically Creme Metamorphique, P50V, Placenta Serum and VG Tensil Serum. She also shared some of her go-to tips and tricks when it comes to skincare.

Here, my top takeaways from the consultation.

You May Be Overdoing the Exfoliation Thing

Overdoing exfoliation dries our skin out and while it gives us soft smooth skin, it may also lead to dry skin, Patty noted. We may be stopping sebum from producing as much as it should be. Sebum is actually antimicrobial! It’s a natural moisturizer as well. So it’s something to look out for and can lead to clogged pores. 

Create A Cleansing Technique

“I think of my face as my bread,” Patty said. She sort of “kneads” her skin every night and does it from her neck all the way up. Lymph is connected from the neck up to the scalp. She also gives herself a little scalp massage at the end. Always use a creamy cleanser plus a massage. It takes about 3 minutes and it gets easier as you practice. Always massage in an upward motion and then drain. Start at the jowl line and sculpt. Patty even gives her dog a massage every day.

Try Mixing a Mask with a Serum

For me, for example, she would start mixing a mask with VG Tensil. Don’t mix more than 2 masks, Patty says. She also says you want to use P50 before you mask. Patty masks every day! 

P50V is My Best P50

It’s right in the middle from an exfoliation perspective, so it’s the best option for me. I was using the 1970 because we’re correcting my over-exfoliation. In other words, Be aggressive is not the name of the game. This isn’t a cheerleading session. 

Opt for Liquid As Opposed to Gel Serums

For major hydration, this is what Patty thinks I should use. Moisturizer-wise, she recommended Creme Metamorphique for me, which I’m loving as a daily moisturizer. 

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