Now In Soho: Brick And Mortar Birchbox

Birchbox 5 resized.jpgBirchbox has always been smart. They are like the Apple of the beauty world: They understand what people want and they are well designed. If you want to buy a pink lipstick why should you run around to every single brand that makes lipsticks, find the pink ones, and then compare shades? Shouldn’t there be a pink lipstick bin? The BB store understands this and unlike most beauty shopping destinations, where products are organized by brand, this one is about the actual product you want to buy. Everything is organized in categories like Body or Nails and then even further into cheeks, eyes, face, etc. Their kick-ass content is available on iPads and TV screens around the store, so you know exactly how to use everything. It’s basically like walking through a life-size version of their website, human interaction unnecessary (even though the employees are friendly and knowledgable, so I suggest you chat with them).

And of course, the most impressive part of the store is their BYOB (Build Your Own Birchbox,) which means before a vacation or before buying that $32 mascara, you can pick up some deluxe samples. Even better: Make one for a friend and send it to them with a cute little note about why you picked each product.

That’s how the company started after all: Head of editorial Mollie Chen was sending co-founder Hayley care-packages with beauty products and accompanying notes on how to use them, when she and Katia had the idea of starting Birchbox. Because as all smart girls can imagine, having someone send you beauty products every month, sounds pretty perfect.

Birchbox Soho is located at 433 West Broadway.

Julia Casella

Image credit: Birchbox

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