Fictionary: Obfreshion

 Fictionary is a column showcasing beauty-related words that don’t exist, but should.
The other day I was sharing a cab with my fellow beauty gals Sarah and Kristin when the subject turned, naturally, to our favorite products of late. It seemed we all had a Fresh product obsession we needed to breathlessly report. Because of the hysteria with which we peer pressured each other into saying we’d try the others’ respective faves, it led to a Fictionary addition: obfreshion. Because it is that rare line that produces the trifecta of glamazing skin care, body products and makeup, it’s one of the beauty-brand common denominators among beauty editors. I shrieked that I have been known to pick up a Fresh Sugar Rose Tinted Lip Treatment SPF 15 whenever I’m within five blocks of a Sephora, while Sarah essentially did a PR pitch for why the brand’s Brown Sugar Body Polish was as necessary as air. Kristin’s obfreshion? The Fresh Black Tea Perfecting Mask.

And tell me: What Fresh item’s low-inventory status inspires a case of the vapors for you?

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2 Comments Fictionary: Obfreshion

  1. Pingback: Fresh Black Tea Age-Delay Concentrate | Rouge 18

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