Body Washes For Day And Night: Perlier Shower Creams


My shower has quietly experienced a coup. It is 100% all about Perlier Shower Creams right now.

I’m LIVING for the Italian brand’s rich, foaming washes with incredibly luxe, aromatic scents that make my bathroom feel spa-like. My favorites are the Perlier French Lime Blossom Shower Cream to wake me up in the morning and the Perlier Honeysuckle and Jasmine iteration to calm me down at night. Allow me to paraphrase the select musical stylings of that famous philosopher we both know, Kid Kudi, when I say that I need two distinct scents–‘cuz day and night. Which is a reason only to Kid Kudi and to me.


When I want to rejuvenate my exhausted muscles post-Flywheel, I reach for the brisk, verdant French Lime-scented cream. Did you know that in the 18th century, British navy sailors were saved from scurvy simply by consuming daily lime juice, following orders given by King George III?

The Honeysuckle and Jasmine version smells just like sweet summer nights with the faint magical glow of lightning bugs. I’m typically a shower-at-night kind of gal (I like my bed to be pristine, which it can never be if I’m collapsing into it after traipsing around this filthy city and bringing all that into it only to cleanse in the A.M.), and the scent lingers a bit, but is not so strong that it keeps me awake. It’s subtle and beautiful. I’d even say it frees my mind in search of… 

And tell me: Do you use different cleansing scents in the morning vs. at night? And are you a daytime showerer or do you prefer sudsing up at, at, at night?

Perlier Shower Creams retail for $15 each at

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