I never thought I’d say this, but perms are in again. Yes, you heard me. But don’t worry, the modern perm is a fun twist on the original perm.
For millennia, scholars have spilled unimaginable quantities of ink researching the key to happiness. Turns out, the secrets to a happier life were contained in this single infographic all along.
Try to browse through this office tour from blogger Teresa of “Money Can Buy Lipstick” without purchasing at least one blush stationary item. I dare you.
In case you missed this year’s Super bowl, here’s a compilation of some of the best commercials.
Each week, I like to include a tidbit that makes you question everything you’ve ever known. This week’s existential crisis comes from Donatella Versace. Turns out we’ve all been pronouncing her last name wrong.
Finally, as Valentine’s Day approaches, watch French duo “Les Twins” (formerly on tour with Beyoncé) perform a breathtaking freestyleto “Beggar” by Mos Def in the true language of love: dance.
Who knew happiness was so easy to achieve! XD