I realize that behind the lipstick and lotions I suggest, there is a bigger questions surrounding what we do, what it means for society. Here are a few movies that explore these ideas further.
American the Beautiful: Pretty much what you expect— talks about all the problems in our society with beauty, weight, etc. I wasn’t a huge fan of this movie because it took on a pretty pessimistic tone and doesn’t address any of the good things surround the industry. Worth watching nonetheless though.
Make Me Young: Youth Knows No Pain: I loved this one so much, I watched it twice. The daughter of a plastic surgeon explores the many reasons behind plastic surgery, what is does to people, and its moral complexities. She doesn’t make judgments, she truly just wants to understand what drives people to these extremes and what they get in return.
and Picture Me: A glimpse into the dark side of modeling through the eyes of supermodels, photographers, agents.
Thin: a heartbreaking look into eating disorders through the eyes of those trying to get better.
Which ones are in your Netflix queue?