I must have written at least five times for several beauty publications including this one that spritzing damp hair with conditioner or an SPF-laced protectant spray will keep your hair color from fading in the sun. But I’ve literally NEVER taken that advice. Who’s actually doing that, anyway? So I wondered what amazing advice my beauty-blogging brethren are dispensing and yet never taking themselves. So I asked Felicia, Nadine, Eileen, Bryce, Jeannine, Kristin, Lauren, Jamie, Rachel, Andrea and Alexis. Here, their responses.
"After dishing out my tried and true product-related advice, I always add -- and remember to drink plenty of water. Truth is, I rarely drink the requisite eight glasses per day. When I was pregnant, I did so because I felt a little life depended on my nutritious actions. But now, meh, I'm the pits." Felicia Walker Benson, Editor in Chief, ThisThatBeauty.com
"I am supremely lazy, so any tip that requires an extra half-second of effort is dead to me. Claims about being a "beauty expert" turn very shaky while shaving: I caution my readers to take care of their delicate skin by avoiding hot water, changing blades regularly, and always using shaving cream. But in my shower, it's a free-for-all: blazingly hot water guaranteed to dessicate skin, razors I last changed during the Bush years, and--shaving cream? That's adorable. " Nadine Jolie Courtney, nadinejoliecourtney.com
"I know the benefits of using primer and I appreciate anything that wants to help me look good longer BUT it's an extra step in my routine that I cannot get myself to remember. Eyeshadow primer is the worst for me. It's enough I've committed to applying at least two different shades on my eye and now you want me to include another item? We'll see about that. " Eileen Dautruche, misswhoeveryouare.com
"I have very dry skin. I KNOW hot showers just make the problem worse -- and have cautioned this countless times in ways to cope with dry skin. And yet, I take hot showers all the time. Year-round. Related, I hoard body butters. I probably have drawers. However, if it's a season that my legs are under tights all the time, or a time period that no one is getting up close and personal, half the time I won't bother with any lotion. I know I should, I know it feels good, but when I'm in a rush, it's the easiest way to be lazy." Aly Walansky, ALittleAlytude.com
"I think every beauty how-to post ends up inevitably including some degree of cuticle-softening advice. Let me just break it down for you: my cuticles are only softened by nature herself, or the lovely gal at my local nail salon. Reasonably I understand that if I'm pursuing 19 out of the 20 beauty benefits of coconut oil that I should just take the final leap and hydrate my cuticles, but for some reason, it just never happens for me. I bet you in my next life I'll have the jazziest cuticles in town." Bryce Gruber, The Luxury Spot
"I always tell people not to pick. Whether it's a pimple, scab or anything pickable really, when I see people picking I always tell them to leave "it" alone to prevent scarring and ensure them that "it" will go away soon. However, thanks to my anxiety, I never practice what I preach. I pick at everything and anything I can get my fingers on. I even go for ingrown hairs and use my nails to pluck out random eyebrow hairs when I'm not around tweezers." Jeannine Morris, Founder of BeautySweetSpot.com
"I have personally given the tip not to exceed the processing time on your deep conditioner a billion times, yet the Hair Police consider me America's Most Wanted when it comes to breaking that law. I sleep in it, I leave it for days, I've even use it as a styling tool to slick my hair back. I really have to start taking my advice, because over-conditioning is real and it's happening to my fragile ends pretty regularly."
Kristin Booker, freelance writer and blogger, Fashion.Style.Beauty
"I’m obsessed with my eyebrows, probably because I have photographic evidence of what they looked like until I was 22. Once I had them shaped professionally, there was no going back. Every single person who has ever touched my brows (and there have not been many because I’m loyal once I find a keeper) has begged and pleaded with me NOT to touch them. Yet, every night there I am in front of my magnifying mirror looking for strays and doing damage control. Asking me not to pluck a stray hair or two is like asking me not to eat. It’s not going to happen. Sure I extend my need to make an appointment by 2-3 weeks, but I always come back…especially when I can’t keep up with the maintenance! My tweezers of choice are Tweezerman ones."
Lauren Dimet Waters, Second City Style
"Believe me, I KNOW how important it is to exfoliate, but I hardly ever do it. I think it boils down to the fact that my skin is super dry and sensitive and so, whenever I have exfoliated in the past, my skin gets irritated and I usually end up breaking out. Sure, I know that just means all the bad stuff is coming out...but I think I'd rather have the bad stuff secretly under my skin and just pretend it's not there." -
Jamie Stone, HonestlyJamie.com
Everyone always tells me to not shampoo as much - shampoo strips your hair of oils, I know, I know - but I have fine hair and I shampoo every other day. I can't help it, my hair is curly and just looks frizzy and flat if I don't REALLY wash it. Someday I'll listen to all of this great expert advice about how great not washing my hair can be, but not yet. I'll be clean for a while longer."
Rachel Adler, Beauty High Beauty Director
"I never wrap my hair. Even after a great blow-out at the salon, I'm just too tired to do it. By the time I get my toddler fed, bathed and to bed, I barely have the energy to wash my face at night much less do anything to my hair!" I have written about how AA women need to wrap their hair at night a million times, yet I never do it myself. OH WELL lol."
Andrea Arterbery, Writer, The Art Of Bery
"First of all, I pick at EVERYTHING. Give me a skin imperfection and I literally cannot help but pick at it until I've made it considerably worse. Sure, I know this is a terrible idea - and tell everyone how bad it is! - but I just can't help it. I also don't deep-condition my hair nearly as often as my dyed-too-many-times-to-count tresses require! Adding that to my "start before I'm 30" list as we speak!"
Alexis Wolfer, The Beauty Bean