Kim Kardashian And Kanye West's Vogue Cover



It took me a while to process my feelings on this Kimye Vogue cover, I’ll be honest.

When my brother called me tonight earnestly wanting me to tell him why this was such a big deal; why he’d heard about it all day, the explanation didn’t come immediately. “Because Vogue is an INSTITUTION,” I explained. But that wasn’t really the whole thing. “So it’d be like a porn star winning an Oscar?” “No, that’s, like, a 10; this is more of an 8 on that scale,” I reasoned. We went back and forth and finally it hit me.

“Remember how horrified you were when Ben Affleck was cast as Batman?” I asked. (Let me state for the record that I am so pro-Ben Affleck being cast as ANYTHING, FYI. I fully support his joining my OTHER favorite celeb crush, Henry Cavill, in this amazing franchise I’m already seeing twice on opening day.) “Yeah,” he said. “Well, imagine Batman being cast by Ryan Seacrest.”

He got it.

What are your thoughts on Kim Kardashian and Kanye West on the cover of Vogue amid a hashtag and the use of the word “selfie,” as my gal Nadine pointed out?

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