Core Fusion Month-long Project: Week 3

You guys! I had THE FLU this week. Two business trips + 87 side-hustles + 2 days a week of financial writing + Fashion Week + a lot of Core Fusion + maintaining some semblance of a life = I was knocked the eff out for 24 hours, doing work and and necessary functions, but I didn’t dare exert myself in Core Fusion classes as I found I was totally exhausted just doing the bare minimum. And I had to blow my nose approximately every 3 minutes. Read on for the full update…

The good news? My lack of appetite meant I don’t have to worry about packing on calories I should have been burning in class. Also, I got TOTALLY engrossed in the sci-fi teen novel series, The Hunger Games. It was definitely the theme of my flu this time. P.S. Do not even start reading that book if you think you’re going to do ANYTHING else for the next two days. The bad news? I had to skip an entire week of workouts. My Core friends I made in class totally missed me!

I went to a class at the Park Avenue Gansevoort today and it wasn’t as taxing as I’d thought it’d be, after a week of zero exercise, save for trucking my tush up to Lincoln Center and back to report on shows. I was pleasantly surprised to find the final ab exercise was a bit easier for me this time AND I noticed that the line on my stomach has started to re-emerge. It lay dormant (slash under a layer of FAT) since college. I also find I don’t dry-heave when I wear sleeveless items and even rocked one of said items in a VIDEO. Unchartered territory, dolls! I’m like Columbus and Descartes with that shit.

Here’s to an excellent last week of classes! Wish me luck.

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