Official Mascara Correspondent: Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender

Official Mascara Correspondent Ashleigh Ciucci is back with more lash news to lay on you. Here, she tests the Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender. In Ashleigh’s words:

I bought this baby one day when I left the house (miraculously) without applying my mascara.  [Ed. note: I don’t miss those days since getting eyelash extensions. I used to be all, “why do I look like a MAN today? Oh.”] And that’s why I’m calling this my “In Case of Emergency” mascara.  It was inexpensive and got the job done, but I wouldn’t look at it as my go-to.  
With its medium-shaped brush and fluffy-yet-firm bristles, the first coat goes on with volume at the roots and softness at the tips.  It gives a subtle spiky effect, which I liked.  However, with a second coat it built up a touch more thickness, but it tended to start to clump.  
By mid-afternoon, most of the volume at the roots was gone.  My touch-up brought back that density, but I definitely couldn’t pull the products through the ends without clumpies.  At the end of the day, I was able to remove most of the product with soap and water, which I like, but had to use a touch of makeup remover to free the final smudges.  
Bottom line? I would keep this mascara in my purse in the event of a tragic mascara emergency, but I wouldn’t wear it on an everyday basis.

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2 Comments Official Mascara Correspondent: Rimmel Lycra Lash Extender

  1. Selena

    You just told my own personal story! The EXACT same thing happened to me. The one and only time I forgot to put on mascara, I picked up this exact product on sale at Walgreens while I was out! I thought I would just keep it in the car for an emergency back up. I found it to be just an ok product.


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