New Mood Lip Gloss Changes Colors When Wearer Is Horny.

 Well, this should  make it even easier than it currently is for unimpressive douchelords with a Michigan degree living in New York to bag single gals. Because “shooting fish in a barrel” wasn’t easy enough. Gizmodo reports that Mood Swing Emotionally Activated Lip Gloss changes color when its wearer is feeling aroused. The makers claim that when a lady wearing it is in the mood, it turns deep red.

Apparently, it works by “reacting with a girl’s body chemistry.” That’s the entire explanation. I’m unconvinced. I remember mood lipstick from the ’80s and it was always the same shade on me. Color me not impressed with this “technology.”

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4 Comments New Mood Lip Gloss Changes Colors When Wearer Is Horny.

  1. Elle Are Sea

    Like I said on Facebook, it’s like painting a target on your lips. But the other thing is, just because it changes color, how is that going to indicate to anyone that you’re in the mood? Guys don’t know about women’s beauty products! At least the (non-gay) guys I know don’t…

  2. Jenna

    I completely agree! Not only do I *highly* suspect that the product is bogus, but what a freaking awful idea for a product… even if it did work, who would want to show the world they are in the mood?


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