Achieve Higher Quality Beauty Sleep

Yesterday was bad, friends. It started with this: this crazed, muttering, seemingly homeless woman is walking on the street in front of me as I’m trying to get to work in the morning. She’s walking the way they teach you to should you be chased by an alligator. You know, zigzagging, basically taking up the entire street. I’m simply trying to go AROUND her, so I pass her on the left, wearing my iPod… and she takes a SWING at me. If she weren’t so drunk/cra/whatever, she may have HIT me. Okay? She didn’t, I proceed to run (ask my college roommates about my fighting skills during the infamous Boston Pizza Express incident, they’re pretty much nil) and I turn up my iPod so I don’t hear her yelling at me as I make it to work, where I proceed to deal with “fire drills” to speak in corporate lingo, all day. It’s delightful. I’m supposed to go to the Usher fragrance launch party but unfortch, my friend with whom I’m supposed to go and I are both stuck at work. THEN, I see that the emailed interview I sent to a guy friend of mine regarding dude products has provided me with the worst interview of my journalism career. Luckily, I have a few that were more informative, but seriously? I’d have had better luck going to Promises and asking Britney what’s going on with her drug problem. Then I proceeded to get a drink or 5 with my friends L and Z at Brasserie 8 1/2, Tao, PS 450, and Reservoir. In that order. Circa 12:30am with no dinner, I proceed to fall into my bed adorned with my new Plumeria Bay white goose down comforter, which I had the opportunity to try on out. Despite that conditions for a good sleep were certainly NOT perfect, I was totes comfortable and woke up refreshed this morning in my cavern of pillowy-soft downness that is my new comforter. I’m obsessed. It’s puffy enough, but not too much. One of my fave things in LIFE is to crank up the A/C and get under an enormous blanket. I’m glad SOMETHING about my day was fab. Prices range from $195-$4116. Order one here.

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